Step 3: Developing An Individualized Education Plan For Your Child

Now that you have a goal you are ready to begin step 3.  Begin by rereading your goal. Continue using your pen and paper to answer the questions and complete the following steps.

1. What barriers will you face to achieve your goal and how will you overcome them? 

2.What actions are you presently taking to achieve your goal?  What actions are you not doing, but will be able to do to achieve this goal?   

3. Make a list of everything you can possibly think of that you will need to do to achieve your goal. 

What skills will you  or your child need?  What materials will your child need? Identify anyone who will be helping you. 

The more comprehensive your list, the easier it will be to accomplish.

4.  Sequence  and prioritize your list. What do you have to do before you do something else? What order will you be completing the items on your list. List every single step that you need to follow. As you think of new items, add them to your list. 

5.Schedule your list into a comprehensive plan. Plan each day, week, and month in advance. Plan each month at the beginning of the month. Plan each week the weekend before, and plan each day the evening before. The more careful and detailed you are when you plan your details and tasks, the more you will accomplish in less time. There is a rule that each minute spent in planning saves 10 minutes in execution. 

6. As you go through each day of your plan, select your number one goal for the day. Again, you get to set your priorities. Use the questioning method to help you prioritize your list. Read your list then ask yourself, “If I could only do one task on this list what would it be?” “Which one would be the most valuable use of my time?” Place a number 1 beside that task. Then ask yourself, “If I could only do one more task on my list, what would it be?” “Which one would be the most valuable use of my time?”  Make a selection and write 2 beside that task.  Now keep asking yourself these questions until you have your list organized by sequence and priorities. 

7.  Congratulations! You have created an individualized educational goal for your child that is specific, measurable, achievable, realistic, and time bound! You have put in the work and now you are ready to implement your plan for the success of your child!

8.  Your next step is to take action and monitor each step along the way. Make sure you are doing something everyday to move your child in the educational direction that you want. You are on your way to success!


Go here for suggestions on how to create a positive learning environment at home.