What are some of the benefits of a positive attitude?

Connect your family to the benefits of a positive attitude!
  1. A positive attitude can help you focus on your goals, create an action plan, and achieve success.
  2. It makes you a pleasant person to be with and shows your children how to find things to be grateful for.
  3. A positive attitude can give you more focus and enthusiasm. This can make your days easier and more interesting. Obstacles and difficulties will not spoil your optimism if you focus on solutions and moving forward.
  4. Your positive attitude can enhance your motivation when carrying out your less favorite jobs.
  5. Your positive attitude can inspire and motivate others in your family, including your children.


1.Set a goal to spend time each day with each child in your family. This time provides you with an opportunity to help children find their special gifts and talents. This will help you to build and strengthen your relationships. Discussions with your children can alert you to concerns that your children are experiencing.

2. Soothing music can help establish a calm atmosphere. For example: If your children have a habit of arguing or being upset at meal time or bedtime, try playing some soothing music to create a calm atmosphere.  Music that you play can also be a topic for discussion. This can help break the cycle of a child coming to the dinner table or go to bedtime with a ‘sour attitude’. 

                *Teach Your Children To Think of Others

3. Teaching your children to think of others will help them develop an understanding of other people’s feelings. It will teach them to recognize and appreciate gifts and special talents within themselves and others. It will also help your children develop an understanding of what others do for them, how much time and effort others give to them. Teaching children to think of others can help children grow and develop into caring and sharing adults.

4. How does your family show appreciation for each other? We teach children to say ‘Please’, “Thank you” etc. to people outside of our families. However, are you teaching your child to appreciate the work and effort parents and children put into making your family a success? Do your children notice  and understand what others do for them? Make sure your family recognizes and shows appreciation for each person’s contributions. That includes the efforts of Mom and Dad! Children can thank Mom or Dad for a great meal. etc.  This practice provides your child with a greater understanding of and appreciation for each person in your family. 

4.Recognize the special gifts of each person in your family. Find ways to share each person’s gifts with the family and others.

5.Ask children for their suggestions when organizing or planning family activities.  You can ask children for suggestions in the following areas: with organization problems, how to spend family time, choose from a selection of music, meal choices, gifts, etc.