1. Evaluate your thoughts and attitudes. 

2. Look for patterns. 

3. Recognize your positive thoughts. Recognize your negative thoughts.

One way to strengthen your positive thoughts is to spend more time thinking about positive things. Remember your attitude can positively or negatively affect those in your family. People may not always be aware of their attitude and the effect it is having on the behavior of others. If you have a positive attitude, you can positively influence people in your family. This action is an easy step forward. Also, you might want to try the young Mennonite woman’s strategy. Get up early and dress for work! Try getting up each morning reminding yourself that you are the CEO of the family and your home and that other adults in your family are on your Board of Directors! This type of thinking has worked for others and may just be what you need, so give it a go!

Steps To Examine Your Negative Attitudes:

1. What is creating your negative attitude? What are you doing? How are you feeling? Take a moment to really consider how you are feeling and where your feelings are coming from.

2. Understand why you have a negative attitude? Is there a trigger that is causing your negative attitude?

3. How often do you have this negative attitude? When do you have this negative attitude? For example, are you over tired, overworked, pressured, etc.?

4. What can you do the next time this negative attitude happens? Will taking a deep breath, changing your activity, and going into a different room for a few minutes be enough? Do you need to ask for help? E.g., your husband, wife, or older children to take on an extra chore? or a family doctor for more in-depth family problems?

5. Is there anything you can do to eliminate or correct a situation that is the cause of your negative attitude? For example, sometimes changing your family’s chores or changing your daily organization schedule can help. Such as: Setting the breakfast table the night before can give you more time in the morning. What do you want to change? What changes will help you? 

6. Remember to reassure yourself that things will get better!